Want Better Sex Life? Study Shows More Intense Exercise Can Help

Want Better Sex Life? Study Shows More Intense Exercise Can Help

Though not every person engages in exercise the benefits are well enumerated. From being effective in lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, emotional and mental health among others, exercise has also been found to have a huge effect on men and women’s sex life.

When a person engages in physically-tasking routines such as aerobic exercises the body releases both serotonin and endorphins. The two hormones are exactly what makes a person feel really good and desire desirable enjoyments such as sex. Working out and burning calories also has an effect on stamina, which is also critical in ensuring a person’s sexual performance is well protracted and enjoyable for multiple orgasms every time. Exercise has also been found to be important in helping to end male and female sexual dysfunctional.

Improved sexual function

Exercise has an impact on human health and ultimately results in improved sexual function; medical complications impacts diverse areas in a person, including sexual performance and averting an early death.

Of all exercises, aerobic routines have been highly praised for their ability to enhance cardiovascular fitness that stimulates the flow of blood across the body, particularly in male and female sexual organs. Any activity with an effect on cardiovascular systems has an effect on sexual response in both genders; the healthier and robust the blood flow the improved and enjoyable the arousals.

For instance, the flow of blood is very vital in women. It’s a crucial factor in the release of lubrication in the vagina. With enhanced blood flow sensation in women improves, including lubrication and engorgement, improving enjoyment of sex. Blood flow in men is everything considering it’s what determines whether a man will erect or not and for how long.

Workout needed for optimum health

Not everyone has a clue the level of exercise they need to remain healthy. According to the CDC, you can choose between vigorous aerobic and moderate-intensity activities every week. For vigorous aerobic routines all you need is a minimum of 75 minutes weekly or moderate-intensity routines of 150 minutes every week. Moderate exercise routines include light cycling and brisk walking, among others. Rapid cycling, soccer and basketball games as well as jogging are examples of vigorous work outs.

Study indicates intense exercise better sex

According to a study entered in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, the higher and intense the aerobic exercise the better the desire, stamina and sexual performance in both male and females. In the study, researchers found out that the more the workouts among women in particular, the more the perks. The study brought together participants from biking clubs, swimming groups, runners, among other amateur athletes active in high-intense sports and workouts.

In the study, it was found out that men who ran 270 minutes each week in a pace equal to that of a mile usually run for 7 minutes saw a reduction of erectile dysfunction by 23 percent. In women who ran the same pace but for lesser minutes (240 minutes) every week were observed to have reduced sexual dysfunction for women by 30 percent. The fittest women reported very few sexual problems if any and arousals were better with improved orgasms.

Improvement for less fit individuals

For the typical male and female couch potato exercise has immediate effects. A study shows that women enhance their sexual arousal if they engage in workouts of any kind. Middle-aged males living inactive lives were put in a vigorous workout routine for up to 9 months and found to have increased their sexual activity, enhanced their sexual performance and enjoyed more sexual satisfaction. As fitness improved in the men, the better their sex lives became.

Exercise doesn’t cure sexual complications

While the effects of high intense exercise routines are obvious, doctors have cautioned against rushing into training to cure sexual problems. Of course there’s a link between workouts and sex life. While more exercise improves cardiovascular health and ultimately orgasm, arousal and sexual performance, it’s largely due to good health of blood vessels.

However, women incapable of reaching orgasm or having painful sexual intercourse shouldn’t expect workout routines to treat the issues. In case of any specific sexual concern it’s better to seek medical advice and treatment first from an expert before resorting to work outs which might not have any effect.

Even so, moderate to high-intensity exercises, depending on what works for you, are highly encouraged.