Top 5 Items You Need When Working from Home

Top 5 Items You Need When Working from Home

Working from home is something many of us would love. After all, without the need to commute to the office, you can spend longer in bed getting sleep. Even better, when you finish in the evening, you won’t need to contend with busy trains or buses with everyone fighting to get home in the quickest way possible.

The problem is, when you work from home, you often get distracted. Which means you might not be as efficient in getting your work done in you would in an office environment. So, for those looking to work from home, what essential items will you need to ensure you work your best at home:

1. A Suitable Workspace

The worst mistake you can make when working from home is mixing your work station with somewhere where you relax. That means, as comfortable as working on your sofa might feel, likelihood is your brain is going to think you should be relaxing, meaning you won’t work as efficiently. Worse, when you regularly work from a place where you relax, you’ll also find it difficult to relax in these places when you do want to chill.

Instead, make a place dedicated for working, even if it’s just a small desk in the corner of a room. Or, you could even visit a coffee shop or library and choose to work there. Experiment with different places and see where you work your best.

2. Good Internet Service

In this day and age, it’s very unlikely that you’ll have a job where you don’t need internet and your boss or clients aren’t going to be impressed if you tell them work cannot be delivered due to poor internet. So, no matter what your job is, ensure that you either have a good internet connection at home or work from somewhere that does.

3. Homestyle Office Clothes

True, you might be working from home and you could wear your pajamas if you wanted to. However, when you wear something associated with leisure or sleep, your brain will instantly become less focused. So, instead, have your own ‘home office’ outfits that you wear when you work – you’ll instantly be far more work productive.

4. Separate Work Phone

When you work from home, often the lines between your ‘office’ hours and leisure time can blur. This is especially bad when you use a personal phone for your work, where you might find yourself replying to work emails in the evening when you should be focused on your family or relaxing. Instead, invest in a separate cell phone for work, that way you’ll be able to switch that phone off and truly relax.

5. A Comfortable Chair

When you sit for hours on your laptop typing away or on the phone to clients or customers, your body can start to become stiff and painful. Which is why it’s so important to invest in a good-quality chair that will support your back. This might seem like an expensive purchase; however, a good chair will keep you comfortable and more productive at your work.

Working from home can be incredibly rewarding as long as you have the correct set up. By ensuring you have items like the ones listed above, you’ll be a productive and efficient home-worker.
