Telling Inoffensive Jokes in a Modern World

Telling Inoffensive Jokes in a Modern World

Whether you’re happy with the arrangement or not, the inescapable truth of life is that we have become a very politically correct and sensitive society. People become offended very easily, and a lot of things that were once taken in good sport are now no longer acceptable. For comedians, you can imagine this is paramount to a death sentence. Telling appropriate jokes for the modern climate involves following a set of rules, guidelines if you well. We have collected some of them here.

No Discrimination

Race, age, gender, sexuality. Things that were all once jokingly made fun of in good humour are now sensitive subjects. In a world where people transition from one gender to the next, and sexuality is a very fluid concept, it’s quite easy to offend somebody. While the occasional light jab at a particular group is often part of the course with humour, it’s wise to avoid straight up targeting a particular group for jokes. They probably won’t understand, and will more often than not blow up at you about it.

Skirt Around Politics

As tempting as it may be to crack a joke about Brexit, it’s not always a good idea. Politics is a particularly touchy subject at the moment, because the UK particularly isn’t doing so well. Jokes that make light of the current failings of democracy tend to rub people the wrong way in a very trying time, so it is perhaps a topic you should gently skirt around, and not delve too deeply into. Or if you do, try not to make too many references to current events.

Controversial Subjects Aren’t Always Wise

The problem that comedy is facing particularly at the moment is that a lot of controversial subjects are very easy to talk about. Most current affairs are quite prickly, and will incite polarised opinions depending on the people you’re happening to be performing for at the time. The only thing that you can do is try and gauge your audience as the joke is being told, and have a way to transition with some professionalism if you get the vibe that it’s not going over well.

Have Fun

At the end of the day, comedy is just about having fun. It’s easy to get caught up in the rules and regulations, but this will ultimately impact your experience. You might offend people, but that’s often just part of the experience.

So to summarise, there are a few different things that you need to take into consideration when designing a comedy routine. It’s not easy. The problem with comedy in the society we are currently in the middle of is that you never really know what’s going to become a taboo subject. You have to kind of feel your way through, and change your routine depending on current events and subjects that are particularly sensitive in the world at the moment. Typically, lighthearted jabs at people aren’t going to go over as well as they used to. People are less understanding and quicker to take offence now.
