How to Build a Culture of Sensitivity and Tolerance at The Workplace

How to Build a Culture of Sensitivity and Tolerance at The Workplace

An office can be made up of all sorts of people, coming from different cultures, religions and social backgrounds. In order for your team to function as a whole, all employees need to understand and accept their differences. If you want to promote a culture of tolerance and, above all, sensitivity, you need to establish this with each and every employee from day one. A peaceful and tolerant environment will nurture productivity, spark creativity and help develop a strong bond between all employees. Fortunately, you can achieve this by following some simple steps.

Use the power of example

As the manager, you should always be an example for your employees. There is no other person that can influence their behavior better than you, so start by setting an example of appropriate behavior and lead by example each and every day.

Treat your employees with consideration and respect, take an interest in their cultural background an encourage them to speak up when the time calls it. Don’t just talk. Translate your words into actions and always keep in mind that it is your responsibility to build a healthy environment for your employees.

Encourage communication

Communication is key for all relationships between people. Encourage your employees to speak their mind in a way that is not offensive or disrespectful for others. This will help build up trust within your team and help them work more efficiently.

At the same time, encourage all employees who feel they have been mistreated to come talk to you. Don’t jump to conclusions and, in the eventuality of a disagreement, listen to both sides of the story before making a decision or sanctioning someone. This way, employees will gain trust and will know that they can come talk to you whenever they need.

Don’t tolerate inappropriate behavior

In the eventuality of someone behaving inappropriate, take action and set an example. Do not overlook or tolerate poor behavior. Hold accountant anyone who is responsible for disturbing the well-being of the work environment, but don’t do it in a way that makes them feel mistreated either. Call them in your office, discuss the behavior and suggest ways to correct it.

Don’t rush to take extreme measures after the first mistake, but if you do see a pattern, then you can start taking action. Make them understand in a nice, but serious way, that your company does not tolerate morally or ethically poor behavior.

Treat everyone equally

No matter how tempted you are to pick sides in certain situations, try to stay as far away from this type of behavior as possible. As their manager, your responsibility is to make everyone feel like they are treated equally, listened to and respected. This way, you will promote the same type of behavior for your employees as well.

When you are faced with a situation, investigate it before punishing anyone and, when someone makes mistakes, be sure to take action, no matter who it is. Be it your most trusted employee, or the newcomer, you need to show respect and equality.