A Small Guide to Choosing The Best Card Reader for Your Business

A Small Guide to Choosing The Best Card Reader for Your Business

Your business is different from all its competitors, so you need to find a card reader that meets its unique needs. You may’ve checked some credit card processing solutions, and understood that they have different ups and downs.

All businesses should be able to accept credit card payments to not miss potential clients who prefer solely this payment solution. A card reader facilitates transactions’ speed and boosts customer satisfaction levels.

The first step in determining what card reader you need is to know where your public is and where the most of credit card transactions come from. If you sell your products during fairs then you may want to have a card reader attached to your phone.

Here are some questions you should answer before choosing one.

What equipment do you need?

You should consider the setup of the store before choosing a device. Do you want to pass the reader to your clients? Do you want to print the receipts? Purchase one that includes features like Bluetooth connectivity, portability, and receipt printing. Ensure the device you purchase is compatible with the mobile devices or other pieces of equipment you use.

Some devices include multiple pieces of equipment, from a printer to a reader mount, so decide what option better suits your business. Can you buy extra parts separately? Once you know what type of device you need, you should decide if you prefer a new, rented, or leased one.

What’s your cash flow?

Before purchasing a card reader, you need to determine how long it takes to accept card payments from your clients. Your clients may pay for the goods the moment they purchase them, but it may take a couple of days until the funds reach your account. Do you need the funds immediately? If you need money to produce other products, then you should get a card reader that processes payments instantly.

Do you need support?

If this is the first time you are using a card reader then you may want to purchase one from a provider that assists its clients during the first months of use. Check the training support the card reader you want to purchase offers because it’s essential for your staff to know how to use it.

Does the credit reader provider offer support for queries about terminal problems, repairs, upgrades and disputed payments? This directly influences its effectiveness. You don’t want to use a system that has difficulties to process payments or that it experiences frequent errors.

Check if the provider has collaborated with businesses similar to yours in the past, and if they did, get in touch with the companies to ask for their feedback.

What your partners will be?

Have you ever worked with the bank or payment provider before? You need to check how effective and reliable the payment provider is before selecting a card reader. Some systems collaborate with a short list of payment providers and this may limit the number of clients who can pay via card.